Why I Can’t Recommend Mastodon

Sarah Weaver (L.W. Flouisa)
2 min readOct 18, 2020

Increasingly Mastodon has been cow towing to an increasingly authoritarian strain of Leftism, known as Post-Marxist leftism. Originally this idealogy had been closer to regular Marxism in terms of idealogy. When you insert Woke culture into the mix, you end up with a protocol that is only nominally decentralized, that works to use overt censorship against software like gab. ( Which may be what I actually look into next, as far as my next social network ). Noam Chomsky himself goes on at length describing the issues of #post Marxism:

A lot of jokes have been lodged against Mastodon, but one of these is lack of quality control of Admins on different instances. Most of the ones use “the law” of their own country as an excuse to attempt to strong arm people into complying with the dictates of other countries. If you want to try what the actual fediverse, my recommendation is to either check out #hubzilla, #peertube, #gnusocial, #pleroma, and other places that actually federate with each other.

By and large they also don’t use “defederation” — an overtly authoritarian measure if I’ve ever seen one, as a punishment for servers that do not explicitely comply with the political goals of other servers. This was the case even before Post-Marxism because almost an official “platform religion” there, with one main platform becoming increasingly the main Mastodon hub. Defederation is just not what the Fediverse does.

If you want to start your own server, start one in other fediverse software. Mastodon is currently overrun by Tankies at the moment, that don’t seem aware of the inherent authoritarianism in their own idealogy.



Sarah Weaver (L.W. Flouisa)

I am a poet, short story, novelette, and novella writer. I have written various short stories, and prefer hybrid poetry. Webpage: https://lwflouisa.glitch.me